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Minggu, 25 September 2011

Lyric ALESANA-Beautiful In Blue

Silence screams, "you're just so beautiful in blue"
breathless stares escape your undying eyes
are you blind to my sorrow and sympathy?
a piece of me will die with your last breath...
this will all be over soon for you are so lost inside
glazed eyes long for the waves' embrace
drawn to an end so near...

far away are days when you smiled just to hear my voice
why are you trying to run away?
my love, I can't find the words to tell you...

drown all of your fantasies with your final broken promise
silent angel crashes through sky, having lost sight of the stars

regail me with your tales of lonely, bittersweet loss
giving up comes to easy when hope is gone
I'll walk away so you can choke on your dying breath
but if you side against me, to hell with you...

far away are days when you smiled just to hear my voice
why are you trying to run away?
my love, I can't find the words to tell you...

the fear has stolen her heart as she wakes from her dream
treacherous ink finds her lungs, seizing her screams
numb hands now reach too late to take back the light

far away are days when you smiled just to hear my voice
why are you trying to run away?
my love, I can't find the words to tell you...
far away are days when you smiled...
seas cry out butchering this tragic soul without hope
their frailty is broken and now fades into the blue...

Lyric ALESANA-Red And Dying Evening

you've taken the last of me
the god's of your innocence shall not protect you from the hate of my wrath
you've taken the last of me... blame the end on yourself
you deserve each tear that falls
scratch out your eyes

the blood will drown in red and I will leave you for dead
a lovely evening draped in regret
the shadow of justice now engulfs you
as cold hands reap the pain they've sewn
you've taken the last of me
blame the end on yourself
you deserve each tear that falls
scratch out your eyes

the blood will drown in red and I will leave you for dead
a lovely evening draped in regret
Forever gone
the taste of your death replaced the smell of your breath
a lovely evening draped in regret

suffocate your will to live with my pain
you were so easily seduced by greed
you could never feel my calloused hands closing around your throat
taste your loss
wake into the nightmare that has become our love
may your screams never cease
you've taken the last of me


The amazing stars felt above the burning sky ...
when some memories chokes my head ...
one time I feel so down ...
I choose to hide under my sweet lullaby ...
in the night that I remember everything ...

oh brightest moon of life ...
let me see your aid ...
give me farewell for eternity ...
so i can sleeptight tonight ...

a million fairy smile upon me ...
then throw away the light over my tears ...
sadness feel like happiness ...
let's burn and broke this pain !!!

come on ...
it will be over in this time ...
forget the dark ...
take this light ...
and scream out loud ...
i'll never run and hide ...
cause the loser will die tonight ...

so left behind the past away ...
dream will be drawed once again ...

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Beografi ALESANA

Dengan awal yang sederhana di Baltimore. kemudian memperkuat barisan mereka di Raleigh, North Carolina, genre-blending kwintet disebut Alesana telah menempuh jalan panjang untuk membawa Anda pada visi musik mereka dan hot live performance-nya. Menggali cinta yang tinggi, patah hati dan kepahitan yang sering mengikuti, musik Alesana's pemogokan akord universal dengan penonton hampir di seluruh dunia. Penggemar meyakini ketulusan emosional dan intensitas yang tak dapat disangkal. Alesana Dibentuk pada bulan Oktober 2004 Dengan gitaris / vokalis Shawn Milke, gitaris Patrick Thompson, vokalis Dennis Lee, Steven Tomany bassis, dan drummer Daniel Magnuson, Alesana segera menjadi pokok yang sedang berkembang pasca-adegan hardcore. Metal dan hardcore fans yang tertarik untuk Alesana's dengan vokal yang memilukan, riff padat, peledakan double bass dan gangguan pada otak. Penggemar progresif tertarik untuk lagu cascading mereka, struktur dan cekatan mengendalikan dinamika, dan emo / pop punk fans yang dibuat untuk menarik mereka dengan Bait dan lirik yang berdasarkan kenyataan. Pada bulan Mei 2005, Alesana ditandatangani dengan Tragic Hero Records dan mulai bekerja di EP perdana . Cakram "Try This With Your Eyes Closed" dirilis pada pertengahan Juni 2005 untuk yang selalu memperluas basis penggemar Alesana bersemangat untuk mengambil rumah dengan mereka. Word-of-mulut, internet promosi dan penjualan online telah memberikan penggemarnya di seluruh dunia akses ke Alesana, mendarat EP di Eropa, Australia, Amerika Tengah dan di seluruh bangsa. Sejak rilis, Alesana telah bekerja keras bermain menunjukkan di seluruh wilayah (termasuk Cornerstone Festival dan sebuah episode dari serial MTV "My Super Sweet Sixteen") dan menulis materi baru untuk pertama mereka merilis full-length. xoxo Alesana

Lirik Lagu ALESANA - Congratulation I Hate You !

No one ever said that life was fair and I'm not saying that it should be
so knowing that you are what you want to be and I'm not comes as no surprise
but don't expect me to be happy for you
and don't smile at me and tell me things will work out for me too
I don't want your pity...I hate your pity

taste your vanity and its sweet bitterness
as you hide behind your veil of my stolen hopes and lost dreams took them all...
I watched you steal my thoughts and had to see you smile

as you build your dreams on my shattered hopes
I'll look back on a day once loved and fantasize for tragedy

swallow your pride

beg me to make this easier and listen to my hopeless cries

suffer alone in emptiness
I lust to see you swallowed by the mess that you left in your wake
disgust lies deep within your empty gaze...

beg me to make this easier and listen as my hopeless cries
send stares into your meaningless eyes

my envy can't describe how I loathe you for having all the stars
leaving my eyes to marvel the sky knowing it should be mine
yet it's you I see wasting the dream that only I deserve
I'll tear off your face to see your smile.

as you build your dreams on my shattered hopes
I'll look back on a day once loved and fantasize for tragedy

swallow your pride

beg me to make this easier and listen as my hopeless cries
send stares into your meaningless eyes

Lirik Lagu Asking Alexandria -Final Episode(Lets Chage The Channel)

Oh my God,
oh my God,
if only he knew,
if only he knew,
if only he knew about the world
without the bullshit and the lies.

We could've saved him,
they could've saved me.
But instead I'm here drowning
in my own fucking mind,
and I'll be damned if you're the death of me.

Blood and ink stain the walls,
silently with bloodied knuckles, carry on,
hoping it's not too wrong.
You said the nights were far too long.
Honey, it's just the start of it.

Oh my God,
if he only knew.
Oh my God,
if only he knew,
if only he knew,
if only he knew.
Just stand up and scream,
the tainted clock is counting down.
You gave in to me,
would you say the nights are far too long now?

Oh my God,
(oh my fucking God)
The tears that stain my cheek
must me look weak,
I wear them proudly, I wear them proud.

Just stand up and scream,
the tainted clock is counting down.
You gave in to me,
would you say the nights are far too long now?

Your knife,
my back.
My gun,
your head.

Your knife,
my back.
My gun,
your head.

You need a doctor baby,
you scared?
You need a doctor baby,
you scared?

You need a doctor baby,
you scared?
You need a doctor baby,
you scared, you scared,
you scared, you?

You need a doctor baby,
you scared?

You need a doctor baby,
you scared?
You need a doctor baby,
you need a doctor baby,
you scared?

Lirik Lagu ALESNA -A Gilded Masquerade

As the water drips from the sky

I start to wonder if I’m still alive

Then I have to find an answer

Could it be that it was a dream

And I’m still beside her?

Right before my eyes

Such a big surprise

The water stops

Wickedness will rain

And drown us in her sorrow (Sorrow,we will drown)

If I hope to survive

I must think faster

I’m loosing ground (I’m loosing ground)

Should I go back again?

You had the best of me (The best of me)

As I live is just not wrong

I may be wrong but your brilliance is my darkness

You had me convinced (You had me convinced)

That together we could fly

Until I started scratching at the surface (Started scratching out my way!)

Your body is an illness

Temples crashing down all around me

Heading.. (Heading towards me bring)

The golden city falls

And with it our eyes go up in flames (Go up in flames)

Should I go back again?

You had the best of me (The best of me)

As I live is just not wrong

I may be wrong but your brilliance is my darkness

You had me convinced (You had me convinced)

That together we could fly

Until I started scratching at the surface (Started scratching out my way!)

Your body is an illness

He is watching me under

My blood runs cold

There’s no need to feel alone

I feel like throwing myself

Who are you?, who are you?, who are you!?


Hey! x8

Hey! x8

I pulled back again?

You had the best of me (The best of me)

As I live is just not wrong

I may be wrong but your brilliance is my darkness

You had me convinced (You had me convinced)

That together we could fly

Until I started scratching at the surface (Started scratching out my way!)

Your body is an illness

I may never be the same again (I may never be the same again..)

Kamis, 15 September 2011


Merkuri atau air raksa (Hg) merupakan golongan logam berat dengan nomor atom 80 dan berat atom 200,6. Merkuri merupakan unsur yang sangat jarang dalam kerak bumi, dan relatif terkonsentrasi pada beberapa daerah vulkanik dan endapan-endapan mineral biji dari logam-logam berat. Merkuri digunakan pada berbagai aplikasi seperti amalgam gigi, sebagai fungisida, dan beberapa penggunaan industri termasuk untuk proses penambangan emas. Dari kegiatan penambangan tersebut menyebabkan tingginya konsentrasi merkuri dalam air tanah dan air permukaan pada daerah pertambangan. Elemen air raksa relatif tidak berbahaya kecuali kalau menguap dan terhirup secara langsung pada paru-paru.
Bentuk racun dari air raksa pada proses masuk pada tubuh manusia adalah methyl mercury (CH3Hg+ dan CH3-Hg-CH3) dan garam organik, partikel mercuric khlor (HgCl2). Methyl mercury dapat dibentuk oleh bakteri pada endapan dan air yang bersifat asam. Ion merkuri anorganik adalah bersifat racun akut. Elemen merkuri mempunyai waktu tinggal yang relatif pendek pada tubuh manusia tetapi persenyawaan methyl mercury tinggal pada tubuh manusia 10 kali lebih lama merkuri berbentuk metal (logam) dan menyebabkan tidak berfungsinya otak, gelisah/gugup, ginjal, dan kerusakan liver pada kelahiran (cacat lahir).
Methyl mercury terakumulasi pada rantai makanan, sebagai contoh adalah merkuri bisa masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia dengan mengkonsumsi ikan yang hidup pada perairan yang tercemar merkuri. Senyawa phenyl mercury (C6H5Hg+ dan C6H5-Hg-C6H5) bersifat racun moderat dengan waktu tinggal yang pendek pada tubuh tetapi senyawa ini berubah bentuk secara cepat pada lingkungan menjadi bentuk merkuri anorganik. Dari survei efek bahaya, merkuri ini adalah bersifat racun bagi semua bentuk kehidupan, dan bersifat lambat untuk dikeluarkan dari tubuh manusia. Methyl mercury beracun 50 kali lebih kuat daripada merkuri anorganik.
Menurut Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan, kadar merkuri maksimum di dalam air adalah 0,001 mg/l.

Bahaya Merkuri pada Kosmetik

Pemakaian kosmetik yang mengandung Merkuri dapat mengakibatkan
  1. Dapat memperlambat pertumbuhan janin
  2. mengakibatkan keguguran (Kematian janin dan Mandul)
  3. Flek hitam pada kulit akan memucat (seakan pudar) dan bila pemakaian dihentikan, flek itu dapat / akan timbul lagi & bertambah parah (melebar).
  5. Bagi Wajah yang tadinya bersih lambat laun akan timbul flek yang sangat parah (lebar).
  6. Dapat mengakibatkan kanker kulit.
Unsur merkuri yang ada di kosmetik akan diserap melalui kulit, kemudian akan dialirkan melalui darah keseluruh tubuh dan merkuri itu akan mengendap di dalam ginjal yang berakibat terjadinya GAGAL GINJAL YANG SANGAT PARAH. (BISA MENYEBABKAN KEMATIAN) Merkuri dalam krim pemutih (yang mungkin tidak tercantum pada labelnya) dapat menimbulkan keracunan bila digunakan untuk waktu lama.
Walau tidak seburuk efek merkuri yang tertelan (dari makanan ikan yang tercemar), tetap menimbulkan efek buruk pada tubuh. Kendati cuma dioleskan ke permukaan kulit, merkuri mudah diserap masuk ke dalam darah, lalu ,memasuki system saraf tubuh. Manifestasi gejala keracunan merkuri akibat pemakaian krim kulit muncul sebagai gangguan system saraf, seperti tremor (gemetar), insomnia (tidak bisa tidur), pikun, gangguan penglihatan, ataxia (gerakan tangan tak normal), gangguan emosi, depresi dll.
Oleh karena umumnya tak terduga kalau itu penyakitnya, kasus keracunan merkuri sering didiagnosis sebagai kasus Alzheimer, Parkinson, atau penyakit gangguan otak. Setelah sekian lama, kosmetik tsb akan diserap melalui kulit dan dialirkan melalui darah ke seluruh tubuh, akhirnya merkuri itu akan mengendap di dalam ginjal, sehingga menyebabkan gagal ginjal yang sangat parah bagi pemakainya.
Produk kosmetik yang dipakai tersebut akan menyebabkan iritasi parah pada kulit, yakni berupa kulit yang kemerah-merahan dan menyebabkan kulit menjadi mengkilap secara tidak normal. Kondisi tersebut telah banyak dikeluhkan oleh para konsumen yang sudah terlanjur menggunakan produk-produk kosmetik illegal tersebut. 100%